Thursday 13 December 2007

If you didn't have much of a chance to get to the cinema this year, then pop down to your local DVD rental store this christmas and pick up these three must see movies of 2007!


Starring: Seth Rogen & Katherine Heigl

A hilarious comedy about two very different people having a one night stand that results in an accidental pregnancy. With the mixture of trashy humour and sweet romance, this film is a hit for all, and ticks all the right entertainment boxes! Brought to you by the guy who created The 30 Year Old Virgin.



Starring: Maggie Gyllenhaal

A heartwarming drama about one woman's stuggle to re-claim her life and bond with her young estranged daughter and being released from prison. Maggie Gyllenhaal stars as Sherry Swanson in a beautiful and emotional performance that has already been tipped for an Oscar!



Starring: Matt Damon, Julia Stiles

Matt Damon returns as Jason Bourne in the third installment of the action packed series. Jason finally begins to unravel the events that led to the day he lost his memory, but as he gets closer and closer, will he accept the truth? This is the best of the Bournes!


All images were taken kindly from the website

Monday 10 December 2007


2007 was a mixture of cool and fresh indie films, hilarious comedies and Oscar contender dramas. However, if like me you have felt cheated this summer by the colossal descent of rubbish trilogy sequels, are are looking forward to films of a better quality, then look no further!

If you have no plans for the upcoming year, take my advice and take note of the must see films for 2008! Daniel Craig is back as Bond next Christmas, The Dark Crusader will be flying back in Chris Nolan's second Batman outing and Sweeney Todd will be sharpening his knives in the new year, and they're all working their butts off for you!

So go see a film every month next year, if nothing else, because 2008 is already looking to become one of the most interesting years in cinmnatic history


              All images were taken kindly from website


              Well here it is folks...the picture you fans have all been waiting for...the cold-blooded maniac from the comic book has had many a face (and voice) on the big and small screen. varying from Nack Nicholson to Tim Currey...but nothing will quite prepare you for this. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you - the Brand New JOKER in the shape of Heath Ledger.

              The release date may be half a year away, but film magazines have been sniffing around
              The Dark Knight set for months, and buffs across the country have been glued to the net, itching to get a single glimpse or photo of Bruce Wayne's most dangerous and terriying enemny to date in new form. One teaser photo, leaked onto the net months ago, gave us a small example of what we were in for, but nothing was going to be as exciting as this new photo from this month's film magazine Empire of Heath Ledger in full costume and make up.

              Christopher Nolan's sublime Batman Begins outing in 2005 knocked our socked off! The script and dialogue was refreshing (no stupid puns from Arnie!), the characters were fleshed out and given soul (Robin was given the sack) and the costumes were more realistic and symplified (no nipples on the bat suit this time oh no!).
              The name of Batman was given a fresh, dark and earthy coat of paint, and for the first time in years, people were proud to say that they had seen a Batman flick. It was no longer part of a franchise started by Tim Burton back in 1989. It was the beginning of a new franchise. Batman had been reborn. Batman had begun.

              When asked on the set of The Dark Knight if he was nervous about filling the joker's large vacated shoes, Ledger said: "Oh I definitely feared it! I don't know if I was fearless, but I certainly had to put on a brave face and believe that I have something up my sleeve. Something different..."

              The casting of Batman's evil adversary had every big name in Hollywood excited. Apart from Ledger, many actors were considered for the role, including Guy Pearce and Adrian Brody, but a few eyebrows were raised when one name in particular failed to make the list; Jack Nicholson.
              Although most people were thrilled at Ledger's casting, it is alleged that The shining actor was furious about not being asked to return. Nicholson's Joker proved a hit and still is, but fans complained the film focused too much on him, resulting in Michael Keaton's Batman being pushed into the background. Rumours that he was difficult to work with and a huge pay check demand also meant directors became wary of him.
              Michael Cane however has been quick to defend
              Heath Ledger as their new joker: "Heath stunned me, Jack played the joker as sort of benign nasty clown - like a wicked uncle. Heath plays him like a absolutely maniacal murderous pyschopath...He is very very scary...Wait till you see it, it's incredible."

              Christian Bale is back as the dark avenger himself, as is cop Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman), Bruce Wayne's good old satrical butler Alfred (Michael Cane) and Morgan Freeman as gadget man Lucias Fox. One name though, is absent. The Joker is not the only one getting a facelift in Dark Knight. Nolan's vision had nearly all of his leads queuing to reprise their roles, but one actress chose not to return. Bruce's love interest, Katie Holmes's Rachel Dawes has been replaced by the indie queen, Maggie Gyllenhaal. Fans have already praised the new casting, and Gyllenhaal is expected to bring a much deeper and different Rachel to screen.

              The Dark Knight comes out 25th July 2008, and we can hardly wait!

              All images were taken kindly from the website


              The Golden Compass

              Starring: Nicole Kidman, Dakota Richards, Ian McKellen (Voice), Daniel Craig
              Release date: December 5th

              Plot: Set in alternative, futuristic Oxford, where human souls take the form of animals, a young girl called Lyra (Richards) is living under the care of her uncle (Craig). When her best friend is kidnapped, Lyra goes on a perlious quest to get him back, and aided by a special truth compass and allies she makes along the way her journey takes her to the bleak north. However when she arrives, she finds terrible experiments are taking place. Who is the mysterious Mrs Coulter (Kidman) who has appointed herself guardian of Lyra, and what is her motive?

              Polar bears, talking animals, witches and gypsies; all elements that you would think conjure up a new and exciting fantasy drama, especially as the production team behind the scenes are New Line, famed for the fantastic Lord of the Rings films. However another Rings, it is not! The Golden Compass fails to enthrall in the same way.

              Philip Pullman's 1995 award winning book has been transferred to the big screen by american director Chris Weitz (best known for his comedy American Pie) and the whole film feels very american-ised. The books are not for children, and yet here the darker and religious elements of the book that made it so exciting, have been toned down and advertised as a kids film.
              The books were never a huge success in the US like they were here in Britain, which is obviously why the film makers were so desperate to set the tone more suitable for a younger audience. The title is also re-named The Golden Compass; probably because they were worried little american rag-muffins wouldn't understand Northern Lights, (de-ja-vu as when Harry Potter was changed from Philospher to Sorcerer).
              Unfortunately, Americans are already unimpressed with the film, as underperforming box office takings have been announced and started to appear online.

              Another huge problem is that the leading parts are grossly underwritten, so much so that you cease to care about the characters an their missions. It's obvious that they are racing through the film to keep it to a chld friendly running time, and the characters suffer because of it. Pullman writes in such detail, and yet here
              Daniel Craig's Asriel barely has ten minutes total screen time. Poor Eva Green's witch is given the embarrasingly boring role of narrator and only turns up really in the fight scene at the end of the film. Do we care at this point? However it's Nicole Kidman's beautifully portrayed Mrs Coulter who is most affected. Her talents are so sorely overlooked in a role that should take centre stage with Lyra. The richness and diversity of the characters has been completely sucked out!

              Introducing unknown Dakota Blue Richards as the lead is a good choice, but here performance doesn't charm us in the same way the pevensie children from Narnia touched our hearts, and there is even a hint of arrogance that we hate to see in child actors, (think The Mummy Returns and Legend of Zorro kids). It's a huge insult to Pullman, who has produced some of the most intreguing and exciting characters in literary history.

              The end result is messy and confusing, (even more so to those who have not read (
              His Dark Materials) and the plot just ends up becoming a cat and mouse game, in which the ending is such an anti-climax with such a dissapointing result, that we just wonder: 'What was the point?"

              As my 'Pullman virgin' friend summed up so eloquently when I turned to her and asked what she thought, she replied: " I don't see what all the fuss was about!"

              VERDICT ** Dissapointing! Entertaining, but no amount of special effects can make up for the mess and lack of development. It just goes to show not every book can be transferred to screen successfully!
              To see a mixture of other people's thoughts and reviews, click here.

              All images were taken kindly from the website