Monday 10 December 2007


Well here it is folks...the picture you fans have all been waiting for...the cold-blooded maniac from the comic book has had many a face (and voice) on the big and small screen. varying from Nack Nicholson to Tim Currey...but nothing will quite prepare you for this. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you - the Brand New JOKER in the shape of Heath Ledger.

The release date may be half a year away, but film magazines have been sniffing around
The Dark Knight set for months, and buffs across the country have been glued to the net, itching to get a single glimpse or photo of Bruce Wayne's most dangerous and terriying enemny to date in new form. One teaser photo, leaked onto the net months ago, gave us a small example of what we were in for, but nothing was going to be as exciting as this new photo from this month's film magazine Empire of Heath Ledger in full costume and make up.

Christopher Nolan's sublime Batman Begins outing in 2005 knocked our socked off! The script and dialogue was refreshing (no stupid puns from Arnie!), the characters were fleshed out and given soul (Robin was given the sack) and the costumes were more realistic and symplified (no nipples on the bat suit this time oh no!).
The name of Batman was given a fresh, dark and earthy coat of paint, and for the first time in years, people were proud to say that they had seen a Batman flick. It was no longer part of a franchise started by Tim Burton back in 1989. It was the beginning of a new franchise. Batman had been reborn. Batman had begun.

When asked on the set of The Dark Knight if he was nervous about filling the joker's large vacated shoes, Ledger said: "Oh I definitely feared it! I don't know if I was fearless, but I certainly had to put on a brave face and believe that I have something up my sleeve. Something different..."

The casting of Batman's evil adversary had every big name in Hollywood excited. Apart from Ledger, many actors were considered for the role, including Guy Pearce and Adrian Brody, but a few eyebrows were raised when one name in particular failed to make the list; Jack Nicholson.
Although most people were thrilled at Ledger's casting, it is alleged that The shining actor was furious about not being asked to return. Nicholson's Joker proved a hit and still is, but fans complained the film focused too much on him, resulting in Michael Keaton's Batman being pushed into the background. Rumours that he was difficult to work with and a huge pay check demand also meant directors became wary of him.
Michael Cane however has been quick to defend
Heath Ledger as their new joker: "Heath stunned me, Jack played the joker as sort of benign nasty clown - like a wicked uncle. Heath plays him like a absolutely maniacal murderous pyschopath...He is very very scary...Wait till you see it, it's incredible."

Christian Bale is back as the dark avenger himself, as is cop Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman), Bruce Wayne's good old satrical butler Alfred (Michael Cane) and Morgan Freeman as gadget man Lucias Fox. One name though, is absent. The Joker is not the only one getting a facelift in Dark Knight. Nolan's vision had nearly all of his leads queuing to reprise their roles, but one actress chose not to return. Bruce's love interest, Katie Holmes's Rachel Dawes has been replaced by the indie queen, Maggie Gyllenhaal. Fans have already praised the new casting, and Gyllenhaal is expected to bring a much deeper and different Rachel to screen.

The Dark Knight comes out 25th July 2008, and we can hardly wait!

All images were taken kindly from the website

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